【Solo Exhibition】Pos|2024.3.8-3.17 galerie6c

I will hold a solo exhibition titled “Pos” at galerie6c in Nishinomiya, Hyogo.
The exhibition begins with “Pos.” It reflects my current “Position,” the future “Possibility,” and a “Positive” attitude, expressed through artworks themed around “Poster.”
This is my first solo exhibition in Hyogo in four years. I will exhibit and sell a variety of original paintings and prints, including both new and old works. Please come and see them.
- Schedule
March 8th (Friday) to March 17th (Sunday), 2024.
Open every day during the exhibition period. - Open
- Address
Art, Book, Craft, Design galerie6c
3F Palle Kurakuen, 9-5 Minami-Koshigiwa-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Miyagi 662-0075